About Us
Barnes Driving School was established in 1948 by Richard Barnes in his home town of Greenacre NSW. Other locations were established in regional NSW and ACT soon after. Richard retired in 1985 and since then the company has been continuing to provide quality training to the current day.
Established in XXXX? Barnes is Canberra's longest running and most trusted Driving School.
About Our Chief Instructor: Michael Koren
In 1995 Michael finished military service as a special forces operative. His work was to train drivers for special forces missions. A significant component of this training involved teaching defensive driving techniques in a variety of difficult conditions and to improve overall driving performance and safety on and off road.
Upon his retirement from the military Michael moved to Canberra with his family and commenced working with Barnes. He found his military driver training skills extremely valuable in the civilian marketplace - a job that he really enjoys and which he has been doing ever since.