Barnes Driving School Canberra

So you have a licence .. what next?



The Responsibility Factor


So, you now have your drivers licence and the freedom that that licence provides is truly amazing however there are a few things you should ALWAYS remember:


1. Having a driving licence is a privilege not a right.

2. A motor vehicle can be a lethal weapon when used incorrectly


When you are issued a drivers license, you are also issued a great deal of responsibilities. You must continue to demonstrate your ability to drive safely on the road. If you fail to demonstrate this ability, you will be issued traffic tickets, or even have your license suspended or revoked.


You are legally required to drive safely, obey the traffic laws, and respect the rights of other drivers. Not only should you concentrate on your own driving, you should also be well aware of the other vehicles around you. Driving safely also includes how and where you park your car. Passengers in your car put their lives in your hands and expect you to remember this and deliver them safely to their destination.


Remember that a motor vehicle is capable of causing extensive property damage, injury, and even death. You should handle any vehicle you drive with extreme caution and attention to detail. Being in control of your vehicle requires you to be familiar with how it works, including its limitations. You also need to be aware how weather conditions affect the way your vehicle performs (eg in wet weather). You also need to maintain your car with appropriate tyres, regular oil changes and service safety checks.


You also have a financial responsibility when it comes to driving. Every driver needs to have automobile insurance that covers any potential damages or injuries he or she may cause. If a minor is issued a license, then the parent(s) or guardian(s) of that minor may be responsible for any financial consequences. Talk to Barnes if you need advice on selecting the correct insurance package.


Safe driving requires a good attitude. You shouldn't be angry, stressed, tired, or distracted whilst driving. Driving must be your only focus. Don't drive too fast and don't use your mobile phone whilst driving. You need to be both mentally and physically capable of controlling your vehicle and that requires your full concentration. There are many consequences for neglecting any or all of these responsibilities, so make sure you know what they are and how to comply with them.


Australian Accident Statistics


In May 2012 alone, 133 people died on our roads. That’s 593 road deaths in Australia so far this year, according to the Federal Government’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. Inexperienced drivers, that is people with less than 5 years experience, contribute to more deaths on our roads than any other age group or demographic. There are too many crash sites seen with 'L' or 'P' plates strewn amongst the human and mechanical wreckage.


In Victoria for example, just a few months ago, five young people were killed on impact when their out of control car hit a tree at a reported 140 km/h, the driver was 19 and on 'P-Plates'. He was carrying too many passengers, one occupant wasn’t wearing a seat belt and the driver had a blood-alcohol reading of 0.19 - well above the zero limit.

In January, a 17 year old teenage girl on the NSW South Coast was killed instantly when she drove into a tree, also injuring her three passengers. One of those passengers, a 15 year old girl, was so critically injured as a result of the crash; she lost both her legs and sustained serious neck and chest injuries.



The message is crystal clear ... as a new driver you are especially at risk and you must take great care to follow all our training instructions and the abovementioned guidelines to avoid becoming another road accident statistic.